This Blog is ...

- the easiest way I can think of to keep track of good stuff at SXSWi Conference 2010, 12th - 16th March; brilliant panel line-up, leading speakers and cutting edge topics (see Hot Links)!

My aim was simply to find out about:
- Emerging technologies for learning
- Emerging ways of using existing technologies for learning
- Emerging ways of thinking about technology and learning
- Meeting some inspirational people who do this thinking ;o)

Please let me know what you think and comment or or just Follow this blog. Or follow me on Twitter at:

Monday, 8 March 2010

5 Wills and Won'ts

  • It WILL capture some of the most impacting and innovative ways of thinking about ...stuff  (a technical term supplied by a certain B. Taylor)...
  • It WON'T contain endless lists and blah 
  • It WILL go on (a lot) about learning ... transforming learning ... thinking about transforming learning - best to be open about my bias from the start!
  • It WON'Tbe technically clever - being created by a true representative of all Non-Techie Teachers everywhere
  • It WILL show signs of rabid and prolifically punfesting excitement but will do my best to resist or generously edit afterwards.
But hopefully it will make for good reading too. Please let me know what you think by adding a comment, especially if you disagree!And follow me on Twitter at:


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I would be interested to see if safety and privacy are discussed sensibly when new learning oportunities are being considered.
