This Blog is ...

- the easiest way I can think of to keep track of good stuff at SXSWi Conference 2010, 12th - 16th March; brilliant panel line-up, leading speakers and cutting edge topics (see Hot Links)!

My aim was simply to find out about:
- Emerging technologies for learning
- Emerging ways of using existing technologies for learning
- Emerging ways of thinking about technology and learning
- Meeting some inspirational people who do this thinking ;o)

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Sunday 14 March 2010

Friday Panel: The UX of Mobile

What is the UX (user experience) of mobile? What’s the impact of mobiles? Especially the ‘always on’ aspect? What lessons can be learned for BGfL and other content?

The Blurb
The term 'user experience' used to be an afterthought in mobile application design. The iPhone changed all that and has set a new benchmark for user experience on mobile devices. This panel will serve as a primer for anyone interested in learning how to apply UX principles to the creation of applications for iPhone, Android, and mobile websites.

Barbara Ballard
Tom Limongello
Scott Jenson – from Google, UX designer, mobile design lead
Kyle Outlaw

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