This Blog is ...

- the easiest way I can think of to keep track of good stuff at SXSWi Conference 2010, 12th - 16th March; brilliant panel line-up, leading speakers and cutting edge topics (see Hot Links)!

My aim was simply to find out about:
- Emerging technologies for learning
- Emerging ways of using existing technologies for learning
- Emerging ways of thinking about technology and learning
- Meeting some inspirational people who do this thinking ;o)

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Monday 15 March 2010

Evan Williams, Twitter founder announces new Twitter platform - @anywhere - at SXSW

Evan Williams, co-founder and CEO of Twitter, has announced the new Twitter app integrated for web sites. See #sxsw #evwilliams at for full response to both the stirring announcement and the non-moving keynote speech/interview.

The new @platform will integrate with 13 sites negotiated so far, including Bing, YouTube, Yahoo etc.  What difference will it make? Well, if you're reading your favourite newspaper columnist for example, you will be able to tweet from the column itself, or follow it without having to return to Twitter. You can sign into your twitter account on that site, tweet, follow, etc and stay on that site throughout. Neat.

Advantages = It slashes the discovery costs for a site and increase site traffic as well as improving UX (user experience).

#sxsw #evwilliams at

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